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05 February 2010

Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates

Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates

What are the Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates? We examine them in this February 2010 post on the finance blog Malaysia Fixed Deposits.

Readers should note that Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates published on Malaysia Fixed Deposits are meant for your information only.

Before using these Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates for investing cash or investing money in shares, stocks, unit trusts or other financial investments, you are advised to re-confirm fixed term deposit rates with bank staff.

Here are the Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates:

Bank Islam Sakinah Investment Account-i Profit rates

Profit Rates for Sakinah Investment Account-i maturing from 16 November 2009 to 15 December 2009

For deposits new and renewed from 01 June 2009 onwards

Period | PSR Customer : Bank | Rate % p.a

12 months = 50 : 50 | 2.27
24 months = 54 : 46 | 2.45
36 months = 56 : 44 | 2.54
48 months = 58 : 42 | 2.63
60 months = 60 : 40 | 2.72

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