We have the latest RHB Bank Fixed Deposit promotion in Malaysia Fixed Deposits for the month of June 2009.
When you put RM10,000 in RHB Max FD3, a RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotion, for 8 months, you get interest rates that start from 2.10% for first two months.
This RHB Bank fixed deposit rate promotion gets higher until it reaches 3.00% for the 7th and 8th month.
RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotional Rates:
First 2 months – 2.10% p.a.
Next 3rd and 4th months – 2.30% p.a.
Next 5th and 6th months – 2.40% p.a.
Remaining 7th and 8th months – 3.00% p.a.
Some details of RHB Bank fixed deposit promotion:
1. The promotion rates will be applicable regardless of Tier-1 and Tier-2
2. Staff placements are allowed however staff will not be entitled for additional staff rate.
3. All deposit placements must be made with new funds. Failing which, the bank reserves the right to accord the prevailing board rate.
4. Customers must maintain either a Current or Savings account with RHB Bank for crediting of FD interest. Interest will be credited every 2 months.
5. To earn the special rate, customers will have to make a minimum placement of RM10,000 for a contract of 8 months.
6. For pre mature withdrawal, interest will be paid based on 50% of the contracted rate at the point of withdrawal for the completed months subject to the completion of 3 months from the date of placements.
7. Upon maturity of the full tenure of 8 months, the principal sum will automatically be renewed as a 8-month Ordinary FD commencing on such maturity date at the prevailing interest rate for 8 months.
8. The bank reserves the right to terminate the campaign without prior notice.
9. Staff placements are not entitled to receive additional staff interest rates.
Check out RHB (Malaysia) Bank's website for more news.
RHB Bank Fixed Deposit Promotion ends on 31 July 2009.
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